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June 13, 2019

Requesting Volunteers for ECFMG Attestation Process

Dear all,
As you may be aware, there have been updates with the ECFMG attestation process recently. ECFMG has been reaching out to the physicians directly to get the attestation and some applicants have been successfully verified to be eligible for USMLE exams. Congratulations to those who are ready to sit the exams and BAMA wishes best of luck to them.
As for those who are still waiting, there are some good news and bad news. You need to contact directly to ECFMG via MECCSupport@ecfmg.org (mailto:MECCSupport@ecfmg.org) (mailto:MECCSupport@ecfmg.org (mailto:MECCSupport@ecfmg.org)) and request for alternate verification pathway. There is no change in policy and ECFMG has been very strictly following its rules. You have to provide names and contact information of 3 licensed US physicians with “personal knowledge” of your graduation who can attest your graduation status. They have to be physically present at your graduation ceremony and witness you receive your graduation certificate. For most of us, the US licensed physicians who witnessed our graduation in Myanmar are solely our own classmates who are already here in the USA. I understand that many of us may not be able to find our classmates who are already practicing here in the USA. Unfortunately, ECFMG does not have any alternative at this time for those who cannot provide such attesting physicians and ECFMG does not accept any 3rd party attestation from association including BAMA.
I know it is a difficult time for most of you but we do not have any authority or power at this time to help all of you. Things might change in the future and ECFMG might change their rules specifically for our Myanmar Medical Graduates some time later but now we have to face the present. BAMA would still want to continue our utmost support of the Myanmar Medical Graduates and we would like to set up a list of unrestricted US-licensed physicians who would like to volunteer and help their classmates with the attestation process. We will keep the database private and will be shared only with ECFMG with your consent. Please share the link to the people you know and their attestation may be very helpful for our new Myanmar medical residency applicants to start their USMLE journey.
If you are a medical doctor, graduated from a Myanmar Medical school and currently hold unrestricted US license, please check your email including spam as ECFMG m
ay be emailing you to do attestation for your fellow classmates from Myanmar.
With regards,

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